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Digital signage and facial recognition: privacy notice required.

Pedestrians who watch advertisements displayed on “totems” (advertising columns that use the digital signage technology) must be specifically informed about the presence of a webcam that captures and analyzes their reactions.
This is what the Data Protection Authority stated by the decision n. 551 dated December 21th 2017.

GDPR, it’s time to hurry up.

Our Nicola Spadafora, Head of Confapi Milano, interviewed by TopLegal magazine regarding the support to enterprises on SME’s

The difference between “unauthorized access to a data processing or computer system” and “computer fraud”.

By recent judgment nr. 11075 dated March 13-th 2018, Court of Cassation explained that the access to a data processing system for purposes other than the authorized ones, with the aim of benefiting from the stolen data, becomes part either of the offence as provided by art. 615-ter c.c. (computer fraud) or of the one provided by art. 615 – ter c.c (unauthorized access to a data processing or computer system).

A real estate purchase in bitcoin obliges professionals to apply rules to avoid money laundering.

The traceability of bitcoin and other crypto – currencies transactions is a matter of fact. However, the data processing access systems do, without exception, not work on an identification principle but on a mere information and computer credentials check and this does exactly imply the discrepancy with the money loundering regulations: the informatics system which identifies and recognizes pin, password and other credentials is never supposed to guarantee the real identity of the one who makes a transaction.

Il Bonus assunzioni 2018.

A partire dal 1° gennaio il vecchio pacchetto di incentivi per l’occupazione giovanile è stato sostituito dal nuovo

Employment benefits.

The so-called 2018 “Youth Bonus” consists in an INPS contribution relief equal to 50% of the employer’s contributions, up to 3000 euros per annum for 36 months. It can be requested by hiring, from 1 January 2018, young people up to 30 years of age, with a permanent employment contract to increasing protections. Apprenticeships and domestic work contracts are excluded from the benefit, as expressly provided for by the law.