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Recent amendments to the legislation on the control body in limited liability companies.

Law 55/2019, which converted the Decree “sblocca cantieri” (Law Decree n. 32/2019), redefined the limits for the appointment of the control body or the auditor in ltd. companies, already amended by Legislative Decree 14/2019, containing the “Code of the business crisis and insolvency”. In particular, Law 55/2019 raises the thresholds by which the limited liability company must appoint a control body or an auditor, thresholds that was previously lowered by the new Code of business crisis and insolvency.

The Court of Milan decides on the Sisley-Amazon case: the selective distribution system of the luxury cosmetics brand prevails.

The Court of Milan, by Ordinance dated July 3, 2019, upheld the complaint brought by Sisley, a leading company in the luxury cosmetics market, against the giant Amazon and prevents the latter from selling on its marketplace products of the former alongside advertising products of with brands of lower market segments (act found detrimental to the prestige and image of Sisley’s luxury products).

Real estate, Milan effect.

Real Estate practice requires thorough analysis and legal assistance either from the urbanistic and public law or from