Modification of tax act during the trial is unlawful. By decree no. 20933 dated June 30th 2022, the Court of Cassation confirmed its orientation by pointing out 8 July 2022
Tonucci & Partners among “Super 2022 professionals and corporate law firms” as ranked by Milano Finanza, Class Editori, Clas CNBC. Even this year, Milano Finanza and Class Editori ranked Tonucci & Partners and its professionals among “2022 super 8 July 2022
Extension of Monte Magnola ski area – Municipality of Ovindoli. Tar of Abruzzo ruled on January 2022 by annulling the provision regarding the expansion of Ovindoli ski area. 5 July 2022
The public traction Energy Community. The ecological transition process involves not only public authorities but also all individual citizens called to respond to 4 July 2022
Tonucci & Partners assists Reggina 1914 acquisition. Tonucci & Partners assisted the entrepreneur Felice Saladini in the acquisition of Reggina 1914 entire share capital. The 28 June 2022
Decree implementing EU Directive on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions (in the context of new forms of employment) The legislative decree implementing the Directive (EU) 2019/1152 introduces new disclosure obligations that must be written and signed up by 24 June 2022
Beyond Quirinal Treaty. How do French – Italian connections change. An in-depth analysis. A treaty between France and Italy concerning an enhanced bilateral cooperation, known as the Quirinal Treaty, was signed 23 June 2022
PNRR and Health. The opportunities to build up a new Italian healthcare. There do exist a before and an after with regard to public health following Covid-19 spread. The pandemic 22 June 2022
CONTAGION – Contemporary Art seen from Gamification and NFT point of view. Hélène Thibault of Tonucci & Partners took part in a debate concerning Art, Gamification and NFT at the 22 June 2022
HR, new technologies and artificial intelligence. How Human Resources have changed. Fabrizio D’Onofrio, Counsel of Tonucci & Partners, took part in the business lunch “HR, new technologies and artificial 22 June 2022
RAI Italia “Italy with you”: Romania and Albania have always been close to Italy. Romania and Albania have always been countries close to Italy. In Romania there are over four thousand Italians 20 June 2022
UNICEF Italia “We color the future” An evening committed to Ukraine childern and their families. UNICEF is committed every day in the protection of children worldwide. The terrible conflict going on in Ukraine 20 June 2022