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Rules for safety of drones approved by European Parliament.

On 12 June 2018, the European Parliament approved new EU-wide principles for drones and drone operators to ensure an adequate level of safety and give operators and manufacturers a common legal environment across the EU that may boost development of drone based products and services and related business. The rules now need to be approved by the EU ministers.

The new privacy regulation is applicable even to criminal sector.

The legislative Decree no. 51 of 18 May 2018 which entered into force on 8 June has provided for the implementation of UE instructions (directive) 2016/680 of European Parliament and Council dated 27 April 2016 with regard to personal data processing by competent authority in criminal matters.

“Unit or index linked” insurance policies are ordinary investment contracts.

A very recent judgment of the Cassation, n. 10333 of 30 April 2018, taking again in exam the issue of the difference between insurance policies and financial investment contracts, held that – when in a insurance agreement the repayment of the invested capital is not guaranteed at the expiring date also due to clauses “unit or index linked” – the insurance agreement must be considered as a financial investment contract and not a life insurance policy.

New stadium for 18 thousand.

Tonucci & Partners focus on sport sector is furtherly confirmed by acting as legal advisor of Venezia FC’

Equity Crowdfunding is on the increase in Italy.

Equity Crowdfunding is growing in Italy. Carlo Scapra, Partner at Tonucci & Partners, will talk about it on 20th June in Padua, together with ODCEC Padova (Certified Public Accountants, Auditors and Advisors), BANCAETICA, STARSUP Crowdfunding portal and some of its protagonists in this practice .

Bankruptcy: hunt for silent partner.

For the purpose of extending the bankruptcy to the so called “silent partner”, for which is not provided any time limit, the affectio societatis of the person apparently unrelated to the capital structure must be assessed on the basis of circumstantial evidence which shows a continuous and systematic support to the business activity.
This is what the Court of Padua ruled with the decree filed on 12th February 2018.

Uber Pop: new sanctions on the way.

With judgement C-320/16 Uber France SAS the Court of Justice of the European Union established that the domestic regulation of a member state providing for restraints – also by means of criminal sanctions – for the service of intermediation between customers and persons offering road transportation services named “Uber Pop” shall not be notified in advance to the European Commission as set forth in section 1 of Directive 98/34/EC.

Copyright: requirements for industrial design protection.

The reputation of the designer is relevant for the judgment concerning the existence of the artistic value. It is a necessary requirement for the protection, according to the copyright, of an industrial design work.
This is what the Court of Milan ruled with sentence no. 11942 dated 28 November 2017.

Milan Axis for Florence.

Our Franco B. Campagni’s contribution to TopLegal dossier in its April / May issue concerning “Milan Axis for

Call centers and management software tools: privacy is not an optional.

The monitoring of a call center operators by management tool software has been found to be unlawful, not only according to the applicable data protection law and regulations but also to the labour legislation on remote monitoring of workers pursuant to art. 4 Law no. 300 dated 20th May 1970 ( “Workers’ Statute”).