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“Be International. Be Digital” and the digital corporate renewal.

The project “Be International –  Be Digital” continues.  Be Digital involves Tonucci & Partners , CUOA Business School and Bonucchi & Associates  aims  to collect ten case histories of companies that have undertaken the digital renewal process. The protection of digital innovation and data collected from digital development, in addition to the study of new forms of contracts, increase the need for specialized legal assistance.

Dawn of a new regeneration.

Tonucci & Partners alongside GA ENERGY S.p.A. for recycling 3000 tons of disused photovoltaic modules in compliance with

Slow worker in work execution. For the judges of the Supreme Court dismissal is legitimate.

For the judges of the Supreme Court also the slowness at work, where unjustified, is indicative of voluntary negligence of the worker who, if manifested in a continuous manner, becomes punishable with the termination of the working relationship. With this, by establishing that there is a minimum of productivity under which work is no longer such. In these cases, the employer can fire the employee.

Tourist Packages: new rules to be implemented by tour operators starting from 1 July 2018.

By the new Law no. 62/2018 the Government has implemented the Directive no. 2302/2015 of European Parliament, aimed at regulating the rules concerning tourist packages and the relevant services. Especially, this legislative decree, meeting the needs at European stage, implies a ruling contribution required by the market concerning tourism, which has been lately run over by deep changes that have highlighted the necessity of new rules and of preservation regarding information obligations, professional responsability and travellers protection in case of tour operators insolvencies.