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The protection for the buyer in shares purchase agreements.

The Supreme Court has recently stated, although in obiter dictum, that it is possible for the purchaser of shares to resolve the termination of the contract of the sale because of the different economic consistency of the company whose shares have been sold compared to that which was declared by the seller.

EDPB and COVID: experts at work on geolocation and scientific research.

During the last plenary session held on April 7, 2020, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) entrusted its expert committees with the task of identifying and developing the relevant principles regarding the processing of personal data in the context of the containment of the COVID-19 virus through the approval of two specific mandates, concerning respectively the tracking and geolocation tools and the processing of health data for research purposes.

Coronavirus: handling the relations among children and divorced parents.

Coronavirus emergency implies the adoption of restrictive measures which tackle fundamental rights including, first of all, the freedom to move bringing forth, as a consequence, the social distancing: in this context, not prejudicing the essential child’s health protection, there arises the problem of reconciling the existing actual limitations with the maintenance of a serious and constant relationship among divorced parent and the child entrusted mainly to the other parent.