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Company Leasing Contracts and Rental Agreements: distinguishing elements.

The Supreme Court in its statement dated 17 February 2020 n. 3888 provides the opportunity to identify distinguishing elements between Company Leasing Contracts and Rental Agreements. The Court lingers on the elements which characterize the company, in particular the organization of the same, an element that must pre-exist at the signing of the contract and therefore the analyze of the differences between the companys’ lease contract and its rental agreement.


WIPO – The World Intellectual Property Organization – adds a new economical digital service called “wipo-proof” to the existing systems of intellectual property protection. Wipo-proof is a digital time mark that allows proof of the actual existence of a particular file at a certain time, it is extremely useful in cases of litigation concerning the paternity of the invention; however, it is not an alternative to the registration of patents or other IP protections.

Norway: COVID-19 contact tracing app blocked by watchdog.

Just over two months after its implementation, the Norwegian Data Protection Authority temporarily suspended the processing operations carried out through the app developed and adopted at national level for the purpose of monitoring and containing the spread of the COVID-19 virus (the “coronavirus”), addressing them as disproportionate and unnecessary due to various shortcomings in relation to the protection of users’ privacy.