City Vision Rome – “Data, the hidden resource for cities open innovation”. 2023 events and news platform dedicated to smart cities, a project by Blum and Padova Hall/Fiera di Padova, 20 February 2023
“A Building Spree in Albania” Contribution by Enklid Milaj of Tonucci & Partners Tirana on CEE Legal Matters magazine. Enklid Milaj of Tonucci & Partners Albanian office explains the outbreak of the construction sector in Albania in 16 February 2023
Conference “Council of Industrial Property Advisors Association” The conference of the Industrial Property Advisors Association on “Regulations regarding the assignment and management of domain names 15 February 2023
“Italian Magazine” first issue presented in Bucharest. Interview to Pasquale Silvestro of Tonucci & Partners regarding the launching event. The first issue of “Italian Magazine”, an editorial project realized and implemented by CCipR – Italian Chamber of 13 February 2023
231 Expert/Auditors of 231 Organizational Models and members of Supervisory Bodies. TRAINING COURSES – Gianluca Mulè of Tonucci & Partners will teach at “231 Expert/Auditors of 231 Organizational Models and members of Supervisory Bodies” 10 February 2023
Saman Abbas case. Italian Islamic Confederation (CII) and Rome Great Mosque have appointed Gianluca Bocchino of Tonucci & Partners for the establishment as plaintiffs. As her body was found after months of searches last November, young Saman Abbas murder represents a case 10 February 2023
41bis system and stiffer punishments. Ida Blasi of Tonucci & Partners interviewed by CusanoTv on Filo Giallo broadcast. 41bis prison regime, life imprisonment and harsh punishments: is detention tightening the correct solution for containing most serious 8 February 2023
Court of Cassation cancels over 50 million seizure for Cellino, president of Brescia Football Club, as assisted by Giorgio Altieri and Ida Blasi of Tonucci & Partners, part of the legal team. PRESS REVIEW – All preventive seizures and confiscation fines to the detriment of Massimo Cellino, Brescia Calcio president, 7 February 2023
All charges regarding the new Torbole Casaglia Sports Center against Cellino have been dropped. Second success for the Sardinian entrepreneur. All charges against Massimo Cellino, president of Brescia Calcio, regarding the new Torbole Casaglia Sports Center and Brescia 3 February 2023
“Industrial Designs: simpler registrations and adjustment of complex products”. Contribution by Vincenzo Iacovazzi OF Tonucci & Partners in IPSOA Quotidiano (WWW.IPSOA.IT), concerning the reform on the system 2 February 2023
Elettrotek Kabel Spa acquires CCI Cable Service Group. Partner Andrea Marchetti and senior associate Valentina Ladislao of Tonucci & Partners assisted the vendor. Elettrotek Kabel Spa has acquired CCI Cable Service Group. Leader in the related sector, the international company founded 1 February 2023
Massimiliano Troiani of Tonucci & Partners appointed member of the Cndcec Commission regarding the Rules of Statutory Auditors Boards. Massimiliano Troiani, partner of Tonucci & Partners, has been appointed by the National Council of Chartered Accountants and 20 January 2023