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Data breach: accidental dissemination of whistleblowers’ data.

Rome’s University “La Sapienza” ended up in the Italian Data Protection Authority’s sights after having notified a violation of personal data as required by art. 33 of the Regulations. Such violation concerned the disclosure of personal data processed through the University’s platform used for the management of offence reports by employees and third parties within the whistleblowing regime. Following the notification breach, the Authority initiated investigations. Violations of the measures provided in the Regulations for the protection of personal data were ascertained, with particular emphasis to the provisions relating to the current security measures in force.

Cookies and consent: relevant news from the EDPB.

On May 4, 2020, the European Data Protection Board adopted an updated version of the Guidelines on consent under Regulation 2016/679, originally drafted by Article 29 Working Party back in 2017 and already subject to a first revision on April 10, 2018, introducing some important new features regarding cookies.