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COVID, mobile apps and privacy: European Commission guidance available online (pt. I).

As part of an EU approach to fighting and containing the diffusion of the COVID-19 virus (the “coronavirus”), the European Commission has issued its guidelines for mobile applications supporting the fight against the pandemic, specifically focusing on the related data protection features.
The implementation of digital technologies (e.g. “contact tracing”) seems to represent a useful tool for national health authorities to monitor and contain the diffusion of the virus, especially in the post-emergency phase when containment measures are lifted, provided that the use of such solutions are made in the full respect of the citizens’ fundamental rights and freedoms, including, first and foremost, the individuals’ right to privacy and respect for their private lives.
Herewith below is the first part of the analysis of the aforesaid guidelines, that set out a number of general principles intended for the application, regardless of the specific characteristics of the individual applications.

“First home mortgage solidarity fund” pursuant to art. 54 Law Decree n. 18 of 17 March 2020.

The Law Decree n. 18 of 17 march 2020, containing the measures for the National health service and economic support for families, workers and companies, in order to prevent the epidemiological emergency created by COVID-19, states in art. 54 the derogation of the Law n. 244 dated 2007 art. 2 paragraph 275, regarding the “First home mortgage solidarity fund” (called “Fondo Gasparrini”). Disciplines in art. 54 of the Law Decree n. 18 of 2020, the cases in which it is possible to request for the suspension of mortgage payments have been extended.

Foreclosure conversion and creditors’ intervention.

With the ordinance n. 411 of 13 January 2020, the Supreme Court confirmed its position according to which, in order to determine the amount due for the conversion foreclosure pursuant to art. 495 of the Civil Procedure Code, the credits of those who have made the intervention during the executive procedure must also be taken into account, so far as the intervention was carried out before the hearing.

Data breach management: what arises from the 2019 sweep results.

The Global Privacy Enforcement Network’s annual survey focused on the management of data breaches by public and private entities; the 2019 sweep survey involved 16 Authorities for the processing of personal data, including the Italian one. The investigation has taken into account various aspects of the management of a data breach, including how the reports/notifications and the implementation of the counter-measurements to prevent the repetition of the breach were managed.  The Study revealed that only a few entities have an in-depth knowledge of data breach management.