Tonucci & Partners con Prysmian nel programma “Side by Side” Tonucci & Partners with a team led by partner Pasquale Silvestro and made up of Maria Sopt and 10 September 2020
Compensation for loss of profit: circumstantial evidence is also allowed. Loss of profit caused by an unlawful act, and the potential increase that the same would have achieved, 9 September 2020
Procurement and digital, innovation and simplification. WEBINAR – Alessandra Di Legge, of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, and Alberto Fantini, Aurelio Lonigo 8 September 2020
Compensation for loss of profit: circumstantial evidence is also allowed. Loss of profit caused by an unlawful act, and the potential increase that the same would have achieved, 4 September 2020
Risarcimento del danno da lucro cessante: ammessa anche la prova indiziaria. Ogni diminuzione patrimoniale subita dal danneggiato in conseguenza del fatto illecito, così come l’accrescimento che lo stesso avrebbe 4 September 2020
Diversity & Inclusion in sustainable property development Tonucci & Partners was involved at the 58 th Annual Congress of AIJA –Â International Association of Young Lawyers, 4 September 2020
3I Voucher is operative – Invest in innovation. Starting from 15th June it is now  possible for innovative start-ups to apply for the so-called “Voucher 3I 2 September 2020
The importance of the delegation of powers in the context of the Organizational Models. Insights into the institution and operational opportunities. DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT 2 September 2020
Corporate modifications concerning the establishment of administrative liability of legal entities pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001. DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT 1 September 2020
Memo – Ubo rules in Albania. A new Law has been issued in Albania concerning the declaration and registration of ultimate beneficial owner data, 31 August 2020
Crime of office abuse: the administrative discretion is decriminalized. The incidental review entrusted to the criminal judge on the administrative act and on the exercise of the 5 August 2020
No to the termination of a contract in the case of formal notice with a deadline of less than 15 days. With regards to the termination of the contract, and in particular with the case of formal notice, the assignment to a debtor of a deadline of less than fifteen days does not determine the termination of the contract between the parties. 5 August 2020