New Milan premises for Tonucci & Partners. We are pleased to announce that our Milan office has moved into new premises close to Dome, in 20 November 2020
ESPORTS SUMMIT ONLINE EDITION, NOVEMBER 23d and 24th, 2020. Tonucci & Partners Counsel Hélène Thibault attended the first edition of the eSports Summit due to take place 20 November 2020
AIM Italy, a leaner listing process. The iter to follow to get listed with AIM Italy is simplified and fast. There is no preliminary 20 November 2020
AIM Italia, un processo di quotazione più snello. L’iter da seguire per quotarsi con AIM Italia è semplificato e veloce. Non essendoci un’istruttoria da parte di 19 November 2020
Powers of the director of a partnership and corporate purpose. The powers of the director in a partnership are determined by the corporate purpose. In order to assess 17 November 2020
Tonucci & Partners wins before the Constitutional Court on the so called “Salva Registri Eolici”. Tonucci & Partners with partners Stefano Lucarini, Alberto Fantini, Pasquale Silvestro and Luca Spaziani and associates Teresa Di 17 November 2020
Commercial lease: coronavirus and tenant protection. Tonucci & Partners is back with its publications concerning lockdown related issues and problems of major impact and 13 November 2020
Measures to better support liquid and company assets and implementation of Central Middle Credit Guarantee Fund tools regarding the operations. Webinar “Measures to better support liquid and company assets and implementation of Central Middle Credit Guarantee Fund tools 13 November 2020
Criminal trial and public opinion trial. Contribution by Giorgio Altieri of Tonucci & Partners on the magazine “Dimostrare – L’unione tra il diritto e 10 November 2020
Measures to better support liquid and company assets and implementation of Central Middle Credit Guarantee Fund tools regarding the operations. Free of charge Webinar “Measures to better support liquid and company assets and implementation of Central Middle Credit 10 November 2020
Extra-EU data transfers: EDPS’s strategy and the real impact to companies. Contribution by Alessandro Vasta and Nicola Sandon of Tonucci & Partners on Cybersecurity360 with the article ” Extra-EU data 9 November 2020
STEFANO GIANFALDONI, NEW ENTRANCE AS OF COUNSEL IN TONUCCI & PARTNERS. Tonucci & Partners strengthens its professional services range in Tuscany with the entrance of Stefano Gianfaldoni who is 6 November 2020