The High Court rule on the real estate transfers validity brought forth by separation or divorce agreements. As per decision no. 21761 dated July 29th 2021, the Italian High Court stated that the provisions with 16 September 2021
Pandemic long term consequence: distinguishing between personal presence necessity and virtual participation requirement. The research of CUOA Business School in collaboration with Tonucci & Partners and Bonucchi e Associati concerning the 16 September 2021
Tonucci & Partners part of the panel at Wire Startup Pitch Battle second edition. Tonucci & Partners with its partner Benedetto Blasi was, even this year, part of the panel and jury 13 September 2021
Cybersecurity from innovators’ perspective and point of view. Hélène Thibault, Counsel and French Desk at Tonucci & Partners, participated at the round table “Cybersecurity from innovators’ 8 September 2021
AIM Italia: post-IPO transaction stage. A new contribution titled “AIM Italia: post-IPO transaction stage” by Nicola Spadafora and Gianluca Cambareri of Tonucci & 1 September 2021
Technology, Law and investigations in light of the AI: interview to Prof. Avv. Alessandro del Ninno. INTERVIEW – The magazine “DIMOSTRARE – The link between law and investigations”, published by private investigators, interviews Prof. 27 August 2021
Tonucci & Partners advises Tacopina on acquisition of S.P.A.L. Tonucci & Partners has advised a primary group of investors led by the entrepreneur Joseph Tacopina on the 17 August 2021
Cosenza, assisted by Tonucci & Partners, wins before Tar Lazio and will play in Serie B. UPDATE – Tonucci & Partners successfully assisted Cosenza Calcio before Consiglio di Stato as well, in the appeal of Chievo 4 August 2021
TONUCCI & PARTNERS WINS BEFORE SPORTS GUARANTEE BOARD ON BEHALF OF COSENZA CALCIO. Tonucci & Partners, with a multidisciplinary team made up of partners Gianluca Cambareri (corporate and sports law) Alberto 29 July 2021
Why get listed with AIM Italia? Why get listed with AIM Italia? The information campaign regarding SMEs growth even by way of alternate sources 23 July 2021
Sport and GDPR. A safe personal data processing in sport environment. Contribution by Alessandro Vasta and Nicola Sandon of Tonucci & Partners on Sport Economy with an article which 22 July 2021
Assistance and welfare of private social security institutions – Public supervision. As part of the training project concerning social security know how of professionals, set up by Epap and 22 July 2021