Business international law experts and advisors. Tonucci & Partners assists the Italian companies operating abroad. The contribution of partners Carlo Scarpa and Nicola Spadafora 29 November 2021
“Facing Up to the Climate Crisis” – Expo 2020. During last AIJA – International Association of Young Lawyers Half Year Conference, Daria Capotorto of Tonucci & Partners 23 November 2021
Green Revolution and Ecological Transition – Made Expo 2021. Luca Spaziani of Tonucci & Partners attended as speaker, in cooperation with Telemat Academy, the event Made Expo 22 November 2021
Privacy in the Digital Age. As part of the “Privacy in the digital age” seminar organized by ELSA International and ELSA Turin on 19 November 2021
Corporate criminal liability relating to non-cash payment means. On 4th November 2021, the Directive 2019/723/EU – concerning the fight against fraud and counterfeiting of non-cash payment 17 November 2021
Tonucci & Partners with Mkers for the first edition of Next Gen ATP esports tournament. Hélène Thibault, Counsel at Tonucci & Partners, assisted Mkers in drafting and negotiating the agreements pertaining to the 16 November 2021
The legal side of doing business. Carlo Scarpa, partner of Tonucci & Partners and co-head of Padua Office, attended as guest speaker the meeting 15 November 2021
Online registry starting today. But the certificates are supposed to be delivered only to private individuals. Contribution by Alessandro Del Ninno of Tonucci & Partners with the article “Online registry starting today. But the 15 November 2021
Health and safety at work: the decree amendments. The decree no. 146/2021, introduces relevant news with reference to health and safety at work, the amendments to 12 November 2021
Focus on corporate criminal liability. Aurelio Lonigo of Tonucci & Partners attended as speaker the online webinar on corporate criminal liability, set up by 12 November 2021
Romania: Opportunities for the Italian business. Tonucci & Partners hosted in its Rome headquarters on November 16th 2021, starting from 3:30 pm, the event 11 November 2021
Betting on Sports Europe. Quirino Mancini, Partner at Tonucci & Partners, attended the “Betting on Sports Europe” conference taken place in London 11 November 2021