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Insurance – EIOPA – Supervisory committees authorities in terms of insurance distribution.

On October 10th 2018 was published the Decision n. BoS/18 – 340 issued on September 28th 2018 by the European Insurance and Occupational Pension Authority Supervisors Board which, among other things, deals on European Union scale with the coordination of single states Supervisory Authorities in the insurance sector.
The decisions provides significant clarifications on the activities which can be performed by the insurance mediators pursuing their business on freedom of providing services regime, contributing in defining the differences between such freedom and the freedom of establishment granted to the insurance mediators.

Protection of D.O.P. products: the Pomodoro San Marzano dell’Agro Sarnese Nocerino case.

The production and marketing of peeled tomatoes with the label “Produced in San Marzano D.O.P. – Region Italian Peeled Tomatoes” constitutes crime of “fraud in the exercise of trade” pursuant to art. 515 c.p., as well as crime of “sale of industrial products with untruthful marks” pursuant to art. 517 c.p., if the tomatoes used are not grown in a territory included in the D.O.P. specification.
This is what the Court of Cassation ruled with the decision no. 41714 of the 26th September 2018.

Amendments to the transparency regulation – Implementation of EBA guidelines on product oversight and governance arrangements for retail banking products.

On December 5th, 2018, after public consultation, the Bank of Italy enacted amendments to the Transparency Regulation (see the Bank of Italy Regulation, dated July 29, 2009, as amended), in order to implement EBA (European Banking Authority) Guidelines on product oversight and governance arrangements for retail banking products.

2019 Budget Law on smart working.

With regard to smart working, the 2019 Budget Law n. 145 of 30 December 2018 provides a facilitation meant for particular categories of workers through the provision of the obligation for employers to reserve priority of access to mothers during the three years following the end of maternity leave. This preference is also given to workers who have children in conditions of disability.

2019 Budget Law no. 145: news on hiring, employment, entrepreneurship.

The new 2019 Budget Law, approved by the Chamber of Deputies on December 30, 2018, came into force on January 1, 2019, integrating or modifying the changes introduced by the previous legislation on incentives for youth employment, to increase the hiring of companies and facilitations for entrepreneurship. In addition, the 2019 Maneuver introduces new measures to support people in poverty and newsiness for pensions, including citizenship income and c.d. Share 100.