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Recent decisions of Supreme Court of Cassation.

The Court of Cassation establishes the following principles:
1) For the Cassation, the objective negative economic course of the society doesn’t constitute a presupposition that the employer necessarily has to feel for justified objective motive in case of dismissal of an employee
2) For the Supreme Court the “giustificatezza”, typical of the managerial category, in fact, can be based (due to the particular nature of the relationship of trust) on objective questions, provided they are appreciable in terms of law.
3) For the Cassation, the intimidating acts of the employer, by means of sentences aimed at obtaining the resignation of their employee, would endanger the moral and mental freedom of the latter.
4) For the Cassation, the employer’s trust may be compromised, not only as a result of specific contractual defaults, but also due to extra-business practices that have a reflection, even if only potential but objective, on the functionality of the employment relationship .
5) For the Court of Cassation, where the economic-functional link between the companies is such as to lead to the simultaneous and indistinct use of the same work performance in each of them, there is a single center for assigning work relationships.

The Horn of Africa galloping.

Our partners Nicola Spadafora and Carlo Scarpa were speakers at the Conference of CUOA Business School on “Geopolitical

Labor consultants act as data processors, the Data Protection Authority states.

The labor consultants act as data controllers pursuant to par. 28 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, and the processing of personal data carried out on behalf of its customers must therefore be regulated by a contract or other legal act: this is what emerges from the letter of the Italian Data Protection Authority sent to the National Council of labor consultants on January 22, 2019.

Albania Una e 2019.

Panorama has published online the book review of “Albania Una e 2019”, written by Andrea Camaiora, which title

Ferragamo’s trademark “Gancini”: the decision of the Court of Cassation.

The Court of Cassation ruled on the alleged infringement of the “Gancini” trademark, owned by Salvatore Ferragamo spa, by Ripani Italiana Pelletterie srl, and, by reforming the appeal judgement that excluded the counterfeiting, referred the matter to the competent Court of Appeal. The mechanism used by Ripani, indeed, is completely similar to the violated mark, whose shape recalls the greek letter omega “Ω”.This is what stated by the Court of Cassation with the ordinance n. 26001 of 17.10.2018.

Insurance policies covering PPI fundings – Calculation of the insurance premium to be refunded in case of total or partial anticipated settlement of the loan.

On August 2018, IVASS published the regulation no. 39 providing, among other things, the procedure for the application of administrative sanctions, no. 40 bearing important news regarding insurance distribution and implementation of Legislative Decree no. 68 dated 21st May 2018 of transposition of the EU Directive 2016/97 (“IDD”) and no. 41 introducing provisions concerning the disclosure, advertising and implementation of insurance products.
The implementation process of the aforesaid regulations that is currently ongoing for the insurance companies and mediators surely brings an increase in the levels of protection of the insurance policyholder which certainly appears to be significant considering the whole regulatory framework adopted at a local level.

Insurance policies covering PPI fundlings – Calculation of the insurance premium to be refunded in case of total or partial anticipated settlement of the loan.

On August 2018, IVASS published the regulation no. 39 providing, among other things, the procedure for the application of administrative sanctions, no. 40 bearing important news regarding insurance distribution and implementation of Legislative Decree no. 68 dated 21st May 2018 of transposition of the EU Directive 2016/97 (“IDD”) and no. 41 introducing provisions concerning the disclosure, advertising and implementation of insurance products.
The implementation process of the aforesaid regulations that is currently ongoing for the insurance companies and mediators surely brings an increase in the levels of protection of the insurance policyholder which certainly appears to be significant considering the whole regulatory framework adopted at a local level.