Tonucci & Partners in the purchase and lease of “Affori” real estate property in Milan.
Tonucci & Partners, with a team made up of Andrea Marchetti (in photo), Marco Monaco Sorge and Valentina
Tonucci & Partners, with a team made up of Andrea Marchetti (in photo), Marco Monaco Sorge and Valentina
The 2020 edition of Albania Country Guide, a publication meant to guide the enterprises during their foreign investments
Sending commercial communications for promotional purposes to users must always be preceded by the acquisition of a valid consent, which must be free, specific and accountable. The Data Controller is also responsible for implementing adequate organizational and technical measures in order to guarantee the correct management of the rights of the data subjects, with particular reference to the right to object to the processing.
This is what is established by the provision of the Data Protection Authority n. 133 of 20 June 2019.
The chief executive officer, defendant in a corporate liability action, is required to prove the fulfilment of its obligations, in order not to be held liable. This principle has been recently reaffirmed in decision no. 4294 of the Court of Milan, corporate section, of 06 of May 2019.
The Supreme Court recently confirmed its case-law ruling according to which the claim against the administrative body for compensation of damages resulting from mismanagement of the same cannot be made by an individual member who has not suffered immediate or direct damage as a result of such mismanagement.
Following a public consultation process, the European Data Protection Board has adopted the final version of the Guidelines 2/2019 on the processing of personal data under Article 6(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 – General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) in the context of the provision of online services to data subjects.
Article 39 of Legislative Decree no. 124/2019 (as converted by Law no. 157/2019) has brought forward a significant
The domain name is a technical device to indicate in a comprehensible manner the address of a website in the world wide web, which corresponds to a single sequence of numbers.
The possibility to use letters combined with numbers allows to obtain domain names with a strong commercial impact. From this derives the need to create a system of protection against abuse of domain names similar and confusing with the legitimate owners’ ones.
It seems useful to examine the remedies available with reference to domains with geographical extension .it, relating to Italy.
Tonucci & Partners, with a multi-practice team made up of Alessandro Vasta, Ivan Rigatti e Nicola Sandon regarding
By sentence n. 30558 of 22 November 2019 the Supreme Court, Labor Section, held that the conduct of the employee who does not notify the emplyer of irregularities brought about by his colleagues, integrates a just cause for dismissal due to violation of duties of care and loyalty obligation. So each worker in a company is liable to inform the employer of any irregularities. Closer analysis by Tonucci & Partners experts here in below.
The Parliament, with many modifications and additions, approved the text of the Code in first reading 2020 tax decree. The rules for the new system of withholding and compensation in contracts change, introduced to counter the illegal administration of labor and the failure to fulfill tax obligations by contractors and subcontractors of outsourced work. From 1 January 2020, the payment of withholding taxes will no longer be delegated to the client and must be carried out by the contractor or contractor and the subcontractor
The Italian chapter on shareholders’s rights is Tonucci & Partners contribution to Chambers – Global Practice Guide “Shareholders’