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The pledge on limited partnership shares is established with the inscription in the Company Register.

The Ordinance 31051 of 2019 provided the Supreme Court with the opportunity to analyze the regulatory requirements for the establishment of a pledge on limited partnership shares, as well as the methods and formalities with which it is implemented. The Court, with the order in question, specifies what the relevant rules are in order to consider the pledge validly constituted and enforceable against third parties.

FAQ of the Data Protection Authority: data processing at work in context with the current health emergency.

The measures imposed on public and private companies for the containment of the Covid-19 virus, provided for by current legislation and the “Shared protocol for the regulation of measures to contain the spreading of the Covid-19 virus in the place of work” of 14 March 2020, as amended and integrated, include provisions involving the processing of personal data by employers, both in the data relating to employees and to any third parties accessing company’s premises, ensuring the health and safety within the place of work. Therefore, more specifically to the critical data protection issues, the Data Protection Authority has intervened providing companies with concrete indications regarding the correct processing of personal data in the current emergency situation.

MISE: force majeure certificates arrive.

The Ministry of Economic Development with its Newsletter no. 88612 of 25 March 2020 ruled that the Chamber of Commerce may issue declarations in English, if so requested by Companies, certifying “force majuere” conditions resulting from the current Covid-19 emergency.