Tonucci & Partners wins before the Constitutional Court on the so called “Salva Registri Eolici”. Tonucci & Partners with partners Stefano Lucarini, Alberto Fantini, Pasquale Silvestro and Luca Spaziani and associates Teresa Di 17 November 2020
Commercial lease: coronavirus and tenant protection. Tonucci & Partners is back with its publications concerning lockdown related issues and problems of major impact and 13 November 2020
Measures to better support liquid and company assets and implementation of Central Middle Credit Guarantee Fund tools regarding the operations. Webinar “Measures to better support liquid and company assets and implementation of Central Middle Credit Guarantee Fund tools 13 November 2020
Criminal trial and public opinion trial. Contribution by Giorgio Altieri of Tonucci & Partners on the magazine “Dimostrare – L’unione tra il diritto e 10 November 2020
Measures to better support liquid and company assets and implementation of Central Middle Credit Guarantee Fund tools regarding the operations. Free of charge Webinar “Measures to better support liquid and company assets and implementation of Central Middle Credit 10 November 2020
Extra-EU data transfers: EDPS’s strategy and the real impact to companies. Contribution by Alessandro Vasta and Nicola Sandon of Tonucci & Partners on Cybersecurity360 with the article ” Extra-EU data 9 November 2020
STEFANO GIANFALDONI, NEW ENTRANCE AS OF COUNSEL IN TONUCCI & PARTNERS. Tonucci & Partners strengthens its professional services range in Tuscany with the entrance of Stefano Gianfaldoni who is 6 November 2020
Digitalization processes. Protection regulations and 4.0 Industry as per C.A.D. to GDPR. WEBINAR – Alessandro Vasta and Aurelio Lonigo of Tonucci & Partners participated as speakers at the Webinar “Digitalization 6 November 2020
Tonucci & Partners with “Rocca dei Forti” in its 2020 new promotional campaign. Tonucci & Partners, with Maria Gioffrè, assisted Togni S.p.A., leader in Italy concerning the distribution of sparkling wine 5 November 2020
Sentence notification and the deadline for the appeal. The United Sections of the Supreme Court with its decision n. 20866 of 30 September 2020 specified that 4 November 2020
GENERATIONAL CHANGE, A WEBINAR REGARDING THE PROCESS. WEBINAR – It’s indispensable to correctly plan “the passing of the baton” meant as generational change in order 3 November 2020
Supervisory bodies provided for by the Legislative Decree no. 231 of 8 June 2001: clarifications on the subjective qualification for privacy purposes. Following the request received from the Association of Members of the Supervisory Bodies pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, 30 October 2020