Sport and GDPR. A safe personal data processing in sport environment. Contribution by Alessandro Vasta and Nicola Sandon of Tonucci & Partners on Sport Economy with an article which 22 July 2021
Assistance and welfare of private social security institutions – Public supervision. As part of the training project concerning social security know how of professionals, set up by Epap and 22 July 2021
Tonucci & Partners and Dentons in the investment rescheduling regarding Milan Affori residential healthcare facility. Foncière Siscare, a leading French operator in the real estate sector committed to social and health care assistance 21 July 2021
Listing with AIM Italia and financial market. Fourth appointment on Bluerating with Nicola Spadafora and Gianluca Cambareri of Tonucci & Partners focusing on “Listing with 21 July 2021
Semplificazioni Decree, National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR): a booster of public procurement reform. Contribution by Luca Spaziani, Partner of Tonucci & Partners, on Italia Oggi regarding the National Recovery and Resilience 19 July 2021
Tax relief regarding L’Aquila earthquake: Tonucci & Partners wins before State Council. Tonucci & Partners, with Partners Maria Serpieri and Piergiuseppe Venturella and Associate Francesco Verrastro, has successfully advised before 16 July 2021
RAI: Igor De Biasio e Alessandro Di Majo appointed members of RAI Board of Directors by the Senate of the Republic. PRESS REVIEW –The Senate of the Republic elected Alessandro Di Majo of Tonucci & Partners as member of 16 July 2021
CasinoBeats Malta, opportunities and risks regarding Italian online market: record breaking figures but political and regulatory obstacles as well. Contribution by Quirino Mancini, partner at Tonucci & Partners, during the panel “Italy: Gaming’s true land of opportunity” 15 July 2021
Interview of Nicola Spadafora on BFC Video. Nicola Spadafora of Tonucci & Partners interviewed by Andrea Telara on BFC Video with regard to the benefits brought forth to 14 July 2021
Entry into force of the bank of Italy’s regulation on the assessment of the eligibility criteria of corporate officers of banks and financial entities. On 1st July 2021, it entered into force the Bank of Italy “Regulation on the procedure for the 9 July 2021
TONUCCI & PARTNERS, ORRICK E CMS IN THE FINANCING OF THE UNIT OBTON SECONDO. Tonucci & Partners, with a team coordinated by Stefano Lucarini and made up of Livio Esposizione, Pietro Rossi, 7 July 2021
The requirement of “interest” and/or “benefit” for the responsibility of the Entities under the Legislative Decree 231/2001. With the judgment no. 22256, on March 3rd, 2021, the Criminal Court of Cassation ruled again on the 7 July 2021