Betting & Gaming

As regards Gambling and Betting, our specialist advice includes any legal profile connected to the start up of the activity in the broadest sense (land-based gambling,online gambling,hybrid offline/online gambling); indeed, we do assist from the authorization process until the start up of the land-based gambling points and/or the distance gambling platform, including the drafting of the agreements between the operator and the service provider, the products and technology items related to the gaming offer, up to the legal, administrative, regulatory and tax compliance before the competent Authoritites (Agenzia dei Monopoli, SOGEI, UIF-Bank of Italy, Tax Offices, etc); moreover, we give support on the relationship between operators and the Italian banking system as well as within the sports sector (sponsorship agreements/commercial partnerships with sports clubs) and the media (affiliation and marketing agreements). Through a wide circuit of national and international offices and a solid and large network of direct relationships with the most important foreign operators and Authorities, the Firm is also able to support its client internationally on the establishment of activities in those emerging markets (in particular, but not only, in Eastern Europe) where clients can search for investment opportunities and business development. In a nutshell, the Firm can provide a prompt, competent and tailor-made response to any requests and needs of its customers whether they are Italian or foreign, long-time or even simple start-up operators.

In evidence