Family, Private Wealth and Succession Law

We recognize that family,successions and property law issues are of crucial and sensitive importance for our clients as they may concern various personal and financial interests of individuals.

We pay special attention and due respect to any issue regarding marital relations, last will and testament, the caring of persons who, partly or wholly, lack capacity.

We provide assistance in the analysis and planning of personal assets and property, giving support on any family and succession matters and, more generally, on any issue regarding assets and property protection.

Our activity is aimed at identifying the general and specific means of protection of people and assets, to ensure clients’ serenity, preventing or managing possible disputes in the relationships with siblings and third parties, also advising on family-managed business.

Our qualified assistance combines the knowledge of company and tax law with the expertise in foreign legal orders, as well as the recognized proficiency in international procedural law and litigation.


Estate Planning

We advise on outlining the legal solutions for the management and protection of family and personal assets (tax planning, segregation, transfer, generational handovers, etc.).



We advise on wills and mortis causa transfers of property as well as probate litigation.


Personal Rights and Family Care

We attend to each and every issue related to personal rights within marriage and social groups: personal and financial relations between spouses or cohabitating partners, procreation and filiation, separation and divorce.


Legal Guardianship and Tutorship

Our support is focused on finding adequate legal solutions to protect adults and minors who need care and assistance.

In evidenza