Energy & Public Services

Energy sources management and exploitation have gained a strategic role in all areas of domestic and European economy.
We are witnessing a continuous evolution of the sector, along with the potential development of new technologies, which calls for significant investments by Italian and foreign institutional investors, including a remarkable participation of banks and investment funds.
Our team ensures the sound management of legal risks in any energy field, providing a full and higtly specialized assistance within the industry’s peculiar and complex regulatory system. We assist developers as well as manufacturers, SMEs and multinational corporations in national and international transactions.
With a cross-practice approach, we exploit our knowledge of banking and finance, environmental, administrative law,as well as antitrust, real estate, intellectual property and tax law.
Our support ranges from any business aspects and day-by-day activities to highly strategic transactions. Indeed, we have developed long-course expertise in outilining and finalizing multi-faceted project finance, acquisition finance and leasing transactions as well as any kind of M&A operations, covering due-diligence and post-closing assistance.
Regularly, our assistance is required also on tax profiles of the industry, issuing legal opinions regarding the complex renewable energy incentive system as well as environmental law matters or the release of permits and authorizations.
We are widely recognized as reliable experts in drafting and negotiating any typical agreement pertaining to the sector; indeed, we have contributed in the privatization procedures of energy companies.
We actively promote changes and improvements in the sector legislation, through the drafting of laws and proposals of amendments, in cooperation with government bodies and industry associations.

Oil&Gas Pipelines and Cables

We assist in authorization procedures for the construction, financing and sale of gas and oil pipelines, as well as warehousing and storage sites and in laying operations of transcontinental submarine cables.


We draft any kind of Energy agreement, including building and maintenance of plants, either as EPC turn-key and supply agreements, PPAs and green certificates assignments, Take or Pay and Tolling agreements, as well as the supply of wind turbines contracts, of photovoltaic modules or cogenerators and, more generally, materials or components related to the operation of electrical energy production plants.

We provide qualified assistance in administrative disputes, vis-à-vis judgements of competent Authorities or actions initiated by competitors, including, but not limited to administrative and in-court assistance on any incentive cancellation measure by the GSE, as well as acting before the TAR (Administrative Regional Court) or the Consiglio di Stato ( Council of State) against measures denying authorizations or permits.

Local Government

We provide end-to-end assistance in any administrative proceeding before Authorities and/or public administration at local and domestic level, in order to obtain permits and authorizations.

Due Diligence

We carry out due diligence activities on production plants, business units and companies in relation to funding and M&A transactions, coordinatitng multi-jurisdictional legal teams and external consultants.

Banking & Finance

We assists banks and borrowers in project finance,acquisition financing and leasing transactions as well as refinancing or renegotiation of existing loans.


We provide support on the “buy side” and “sale side” in shareholdings or companies purchase, ensuring full coverage of all civil, contractual, labour, tax, and administrative matters.

Oil & Gas

Our assistance focuses on concession agreements, production sharing, and royalty rate agreements as well as all sector-specific agreements, which require varied expertise and multi-practice teams.

Petrochemical and oil Refineries

We provide assistance in legal and technical preliminary planning, testing, construction, management and operation of petrochemical projects, with respect to regulatory issues and environmental matters, related to authorizations or license granting.

In evidence