Domestic and International

Our firm has an extented experience in all commercial areas of interest. We give full assistance to all industries in negotiation and execution of any kind of agreement, giving continuous and specialist support in the day-to-day company management and in the finalization of any commercial transaction at national and international level. We act for company executives, enterpreneurs, legal departments and procurement offices of small and medium – sized firms, regularly updating the contrattual framework, according to domestic and European legislation, in compliance with Conventions and International Treaties, in line with market practice, ensuring the engagement, from time to time, of those lawyers specialized in the involved areas, using a multi-disciplinary approach. We have an excellent track record in a wide range of sectors including manufacturing, property development and constructions, infrastructures and logistics, food and beverage, production and distribution of dietary supplements, other than medical devices and pharmaceutical agreements, maritime engeneering, defence, tourism, transportation and shipping, automotive and rent, fashion and luxury goods, electronics, computing, energy, sports.


National and International Agreements

We advise on construction, analysis, negotiation, drafting and review of national and international agreements. We assist in all aspects related to commercial and industrial activities in order to identify proper and innovative solutions, meeting clients’ needs.


General terms and Conditions

We regularly draft, update and review T&Cs (sale and purchase, supplies, outsourcing) of companies established in Italy and abroad.


Procurement and Supplies

We assist the client in the negotiation and definition of any kind of agreement for the performance of works and the supply of services. We provide advice on the agreement execution stages, drafting agreements in accordance with the relevant legislation.


Promotion and Distribution

We draft all types of promotion and distribution agreements taking into account the peculiarities and the needs of the relevant industry. We assist to define general agreements covering trade and industrial cooperation between companies, the establishment and development of sale networks, regulating the protection of know-how and industrial property, and any other business requirements to be appropriately regulated in agreements.


Assignments and Licenses

We assist in the negotiation and drafting of all types of commercial contracts for the transfer and exploitation of goods, businesses and rights (preliminary and final agreements, warehouse leasing agreements, gratuitous loan for use, transfer and lease of undertakings, transfer of credit, etc.).

“Experience creates knowledge”.

In evidence