
All charges regarding the new Torbole Casaglia Sports Center against Cellino have been dropped. Second success for the Sardinian entrepreneur.

“Industrial Designs: simpler registrations and adjustment of complex products”.

Elettrotek Kabel Spa acquires CCI Cable Service Group. Partner Andrea Marchetti and senior associate Valentina Ladislao of Tonucci & Partners assisted the vendor.

Massimiliano Troiani of Tonucci & Partners appointed member of the Cndcec Commission regarding the Rules of Statutory Auditors Boards.

Agriculture in transition. The way finance affects the challenge of change.

International Skating Union Case – No call for the opening of international skating market from the Advocate General (at least for now): It is possible to limit the access to a specific market if such restriction is justified by legitimate objectives and implemented measures are proportionate.

Superleague Case – The Advocate General teams up with FIFA and UEFA: the rules of the two world football top organizations are not contrary to EU competition law.

High-priced electricity bills affect the industrial recovery plans.

Metaverse and Business: risks and opportunities.

Tonucci & Partners at the Week of Integrity in Albania (4th Edition).