UE & Internazionale

The protection of Made in Italy regarding SMEs – Fabio Boscariol of Tonucci & Partners speaker at Confapi Milano event.

Shipping, Forwarding & Logistics meet Industry 2024 Nicola Spadafora of Tonucci & Partners speaker at the conference “Africa: the success of unconventional logistics”.

Sports Integrity – Quirino Mancini of Tonucci & Partners speaker at International Masters of Gaming Law (IMGL) Spring Conference.

Commercial Contracts in Football.


EU 12th fines lot – Carlo Scarpa of Tonucci & Partners examines the main proceedings of European Union 12th lot of fines adopted against Russia.

Drones and U-Space Revolution. STRADAai and Tonucci & Partners present STRADAai project regarding “dynamic” control of drone flight in Italy and Europe.

TechLaw NYC – Alessandro Vasta at the international conference regarding technological evolution and AI.

Master in Financial Market – Alessandro Varrenti and Giunio Tonucci, one day teachers at Luiss Business School.

Intellectual and Industrial Property.