Information technology & Privacy

Cookie wall, possible monetization of personal data, but the law rule is ambiguous – Video commentary of Alessandro del Ninno on Key4biz.

Data transfers abroad and new US – EU agreement.

American data privacy and protection Act.

Digital Health System – Privacy Authority rejected the decrees regarding Electronic Health Record and Health Data Ecosystem.

Implementation of “network contracts” for Cattel Group.

“Transparency Decree” and data protection.

Crypto, Art and NFT: Alessandro Del Ninno’s interview.

Private Investigations Law – The first volume containing a complete and multidisciplinary view on private investigation.

Tonucci & Partners among “Super 2022 professionals and corporate law firms” as ranked by Milano Finanza, Class Editori, Clas CNBC.

Decree implementing EU Directive on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions (in the context of new forms of employment)