Data transfers abroad and new US – EU agreement.

Alessandro del Ninno of Tonucci & Partners will participate as speaker at the Conference “Data transfers abroad and the new US – EU Agreement” due to take place on October 11th 2022, organized on the occasion of 2022/2023 Academic Year opening of Data Protection & Data Protection Designer Master, sponsored by Facebook and by the Supervisory Authority regarding personal data protection. The Conference will be hosted at Binario F from Facebook, the first area dedicated to digital training in Italy, directly set up by Facebook, and venue of Privacy and Data Enhancement Italian Institute Academy. Del Ninno will share the discussion of the conference topics, among others, with Guido Scorza (Member of Privacy Authority College), Luigi Montuori (Head of Service for EU and International Matters of the Privacy Authority) and Stefano Fratta (EMEA Privacy Policy Director – Meta), presenting a report concerning the proposal of US federal data protection law, in comparison with GDPR.

Istituto Italiano Privacy | OPEN WEBINAR IIP – 11 ottobre 2022 – Trasferimenti di dati all’estero e nuovo Accordo USA-UE

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