Information technology & Privacy

Private Investigations Law – The first volume containing a complete and multidisciplinary view on private investigation.

Tonucci & Partners among “Super 2022 professionals and corporate law firms” as ranked by Milano Finanza, Class Editori, Clas CNBC.

Decree implementing EU Directive on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions (in the context of new forms of employment)

HR, new technologies and artificial intelligence. How Human Resources have changed.

TechLaw 2022 – Tonucci & Partners leads the discussion on new technologies.

The new US – EU Trans – Atlantic Data Protection Agreement: nothing changes although everything changes?

Right to oblivion.

Meta’s threat is an attack to EU regulations. But US laws are the real problem.

Artificial intelligence and massive surveillance.

This is how a NFT work of art is born, from crypto wallet to sale.