Financial Instruments and Market Regulationd

Digital Value acquires Infordata. Piergiorgio Sposato and Luca Pietrantuono of Tonucci & Partners assisted In Holding as sole shareholder and Infordata management in the acquisition deal by Digital Value.

Conference “Protagonists of Italian fruit and vegetables sector”.

Agriculture in transition. The way finance affects the challenge of change.

Contract for Progress Rail Signaling S.p.A. in Albania.

Crypto, Art and NFT: Alessandro Del Ninno’s interview.

Tonucci & Partners wins again on behalf of Prisecco versus Prosecco.

Much more than just the 2020 European Football Championship winners – Opportunities and reasons to invest and reside in Italy.

AIM Italia: post-IPO transaction stage.

Why get listed with AIM Italia?

Tonucci & Partners and Dentons in the investment rescheduling regarding Milan Affori residential healthcare facility.