Much more than just the 2020 European Football Championship winners – Opportunities and reasons to invest and reside in Italy.

Tonucci & Partners was the guests of honour and key speakers at the luncheon hosted by the London International Professional Association taken place on October 18thin London. The topic was “Much more than just the 2020 European Football Championship winners – Opportunities and reasons to invest and reside in Italy”  and it was introduced by the Tax partner Giuseppe Mongiello and London resident partner Quirino Mancini, professionals of Tonucci & Partners, general practice law firm with offices in Italy and abroad. The event was addressed to an investors and high net individuals audience that was briefed on the economic opportunities and the special non-doms regime available under Italian law. A great occasion to discuss with representatives from the City international community the reasons why Italy is now more than ever a very attractive destination not only from a touristic point of view but also for purposes of seizing excellent business opportunities in several different sectors and industries as well as accessing a favourable tax regime for HN individuals.

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