Corporate criminal liability relating to non-cash payment means. On 4th November 2021, the Directive 2019/723/EU – concerning the fight against fraud and counterfeiting of non-cash payment 17 November 2021
Health and safety at work: the decree amendments. The decree no. 146/2021, introduces relevant news with reference to health and safety at work, the amendments to 12 November 2021
Do sports courts have the authority to raise a constitutionality issue before the National Constitutional Court? In its ruling no. 0028/CFA-2021-2022, F.I.G.C Federal Court of Appeal pointed out the principle according to which constitutionality 5 November 2021
The single vehicle registration document becomes mandatory. The contribution aims at examining the characteristics of the Single Vehicle Registration Document, recently introduced in Italy through 20 October 2021
MINISTERIAL DECREE IMPLEMENTING THE REGISTER OF NON-POSSESSORY PLEDGES PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE The ministerial decree n. 114 dated May 25th 2021 (the “Regulation“), containing the implementing regulation regarding the register 15 October 2021
THE SOSTEGNI-BIS DECREE: AMENDMENTS TO ART. 125 SEXIES OF THE ITALIAN BANKING ACT ON EARLY TERMINATION OF CREDIT CONSUMER AGREEMENTS. Article 11-octies of law n. 106/2021 converting law decree no. 73/2021 (so-called “Sostegni-bis” on urgent measures related to 27 September 2021
Spoleto Court denies probation to legal entities charged under Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001. Following Milan Court and Bologna Court rulings, Spoleto Court denied, on April 21st 2021, the probation to two 17 September 2021
The High Court rule on the real estate transfers validity brought forth by separation or divorce agreements. As per decision no. 21761 dated July 29th 2021, the Italian High Court stated that the provisions with 16 September 2021
Entry into force of the bank of Italy’s regulation on the assessment of the eligibility criteria of corporate officers of banks and financial entities. On 1st July 2021, it entered into force the Bank of Italy “Regulation on the procedure for the 9 July 2021
The requirement of “interest” and/or “benefit” for the responsibility of the Entities under the Legislative Decree 231/2001. With the judgment no. 22256, on March 3rd, 2021, the Criminal Court of Cassation ruled again on the 7 July 2021
Covid: the Data Protection Authority stops the “Mitiga” app. By Order No. 224 dated 3 June 2021, the Italian Data Protection Authority has urgently ordered the temporary 28 June 2021
Extra-EU transfers: new standard contractual clauses approved. With Decision no. 2021/914 of June 4 2021, the European Commission approved a new set of Standard Contractual 21 June 2021