Penale & Compliance 231 En

41bis system and stiffer punishments. Ida Blasi of Tonucci & Partners interviewed by CusanoTv on Filo Giallo broadcast.

Court of Cassation cancels over 50 million seizure for Cellino, president of Brescia Football Club, as assisted by Giorgio Altieri and Ida Blasi of Tonucci & Partners, part of the legal team.

All charges regarding the new Torbole Casaglia Sports Center against Cellino have been dropped. Second success for the Sardinian entrepreneur.

Tonucci & Partners in Legal Ranking City 2022 Edition – partners Vasta, Scarpa and Silvestro among the best.

Referendum: past, present and upcoming scenarios.

Tonucci & Partners among “Super 2022 professionals and corporate law firms” as ranked by Milano Finanza, Class Editori, Clas CNBC.

231 Expert/Auditors of 231 Organizational Models and members of Supervisory Bodies.

Corporate criminal liability relating to non-cash payment means.

Focus on corporate criminal liability.

Spoleto Court denies probation to legal entities charged under Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.