Interviste En

Looking for a good-looking bank clerk: is this a legitimate job advert?

“Running risks? Yes, but many opportunities as well”.

Saman Abbas case – Gianluca Bocchino’s interview at “Dire” magazine.

Negotiated settlement on corporate crisis – Interview to Luca Calò on Milano Finanza.

Alberto Fantini’s interview on Sky Sports.

Calm Seas and Fair Winds in Albania.

Mario Tonucci hosted by RAI Casa Italia – Albania Slot.

Interview with Cristina Mazzamauro on the occasion of Confimi Industry Assembly – Women’s Group.

“Italian Magazine” first issue presented in Bucharest. Interview to Pasquale Silvestro of Tonucci & Partners regarding the launching event.

41bis system and stiffer punishments. Ida Blasi of Tonucci & Partners interviewed by CusanoTv on Filo Giallo broadcast.