
Accident at work occurring abroad and Italian jurisdiction: Court of Cassation rules on contractor, sub-contractor and employer’s responsibility.

The partial invalidity of Surety Contracts which derogate to Articles 1941, 1939 and 1957 of the Civil Code (provisions no. 2, 6 e 8 of the ABI model).

Right to oblivion.

Tonucci & Partners for the completion of the acquisition of S.P.A.L.

231 Expert/Auditors of 231 Organizational Models and members of Supervisory Bodies.

Bio-Circle Surface Technology GmbH was successfully assisted by Tonucci & Partners.

Meta’s threat is an attack to EU regulations. But US laws are the real problem.

20+ years’ milestone with FIAA.

Artificial intelligence and massive surveillance.

This is how a NFT work of art is born, from crypto wallet to sale.