
“Running risks? Yes, but many opportunities as well”.

Demerger by way of hiving – off: Notary’s interpretation.

Decree Law No. 105/2023 converted into law: liability under Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 is extended

Shareholders’ Rights & Shareholders’ Activism.

Master in Financial Market – Alessandro Varrenti and Giunio Tonucci, one day teachers at Luiss Business School.

Saman Abbas case – Gianluca Bocchino’s interview at “Dire” magazine.

Negotiated settlement on corporate crisis – Interview to Luca Calò on Milano Finanza.

Energy Communities and Self-production – Stefano Lucarini speaker at KMETROVERDE conference.

9th ASSO DPO Congress – Alessandro Vasta speaker regarding Artificial Intelligence issue.

Energy Communities and Self-production.