
The Russian roulette clause is legitimate.

The inclusion of the so-called “Russian roulette” or “cowboy” clause within the statute of a Joint Stock Company or Limited Liability Company is allowed in cases of decisional deadlock.

Commercial communications and the consent of data subjects.

Sending commercial communications for promotional purposes to users must always be preceded by the acquisition of a valid consent, which must be free, specific and accountable. The Data Controller is also responsible for implementing adequate organizational and technical measures in order to guarantee the correct management of the data subjects rights, with particular emphasis to the right to object to the processing.
This is what was established by the provision of the Data Protection Authority n. 133 of 20 June 2019.

Milan Court has recognized a U.S. class settlement.

The Court of Milan has recognized a New York District’s Court ruling validating a class action settlement and, consequently, has prevented the plaintiff, who had not exercised the opt-out right in the U.S. proceedings, to obtain the same compensation for damages settled in the U.S. court.

“Business Crisis and Job Protection” Decree becomes Law and confirms “riders” protection.

The Decree for the Protection of Work and Corporate Crisis laying down urgent measures for the protection of work and the resolution of company crises has been converted into Law no. 128/19 which intervenes in the economic and regulatory protection of certain types of workers belonging to protected categories, “riders” and those performing socially useful or public service and precarious tasksIt also provides for measures to guide the treatment of digital workers towards the subordination model by impacting on the wider context of digital platforms using the coordinated collaboration model, and continued “organized”or use the system of self-employment, now widespread.

CEDU’s go-ahead concerning hidden cameras on workplace.

The Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg states that an employer, in order to verify any unlawful acts against the company, may install hidden video surveillance cameras without alerting its employees, without prejudice to the right to confidentiality, where the employer has a well-founded suspicion that he is being robbed and the losses incurred are considerable. The ruling of the CEDU was shared by the Italian Privacy Authority, which in a note of 17 October 2019, stresses that the judgment on the one hand justifies the hidden cameras, on the other hand, it confirms the principle of proportionality as an essential requirement for legitimising controls in the workplace. The authority which guarantees the protection of personal data states that the essential requirement for controls at work to be legitimate is that they be strictly proportional and not excessive. Once again, the basis for the protection of personal data is confirmed.

Innovation consulting voucher.

From December 2019, Sme will be able to dispose of government incentive to fund consulting in the area of technology development and digital innovation, modernization of management and organizational structure.
The incentive will allow the funding of costs related to consulting provided by certified subject kept by the Ministry.

Voucher consulenza in innovazione.

Da dicembre 2019 e fino all’esaurimento dei fondi a disposizione, le PMI potranno presentare domanda per ricevere un’agevolazione

Italian corporate criminal liability also for tax fraud.

On October 1st, the Italian Parliament has definitively approved the European Delegation Law for 2018 granting the Government the mandate to implement the EU Directive 2017/1371 on the fight against fraud to the Union’s financial interests by means of criminal law.

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