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Monitoring bodies: accreditation requirements approved.

As a result of a complex process also involving the European Data Protection Board, the Italian Data Protection Authority has definitively approved the requirements for the accreditation of the Monitoring Bodies to which the Regulation EU 2016/679 confers the task of monitoring the compliance with the provisions of the codes of conduct drawn up by associations and other bodies representing categories of controllers or processors after the approval by the competent supervisory authority.

Transfer of personal data to the US: a new beginning after the Privacy Shield?

With the judgment dated as of July 16, 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union declared the invalidity of the decision of the Commission (EU) 2016/1250, establishing the so-called “Privacy Shield”, i.e. the mechanism, based on an official agreement between the Union and the United States of America, which until now has been regulating the overseas transfer of personal data of European citizens, deeming it as unsuitable to ensure an adequate level of protection for personal data.

The Italian Data Protection Authority issued a 600.000 euro fine to UniCredit.

The Italian Data Protection Authority has heavily sanctioned a leading Italian credit institution in connection with a series of shortcomings in the implementation of minimum security measures discovered after a personal data breach suffered by the bank’s IT systems between 2016 and 2017 and subsequently notified to the authority.

Norway: COVID-19 contact tracing app blocked by watchdog.

Just over two months after its implementation, the Norwegian Data Protection Authority temporarily suspended the processing operations carried out through the app developed and adopted at national level for the purpose of monitoring and containing the spread of the COVID-19 virus (the “coronavirus”), addressing them as disproportionate and unnecessary due to various shortcomings in relation to the protection of users’ privacy.

How to defend ourselves from the risks of “digital infection” from ransomware.

With COVID emergency and the consequent lockdown, the number of people who use internet and digital devices has increased considerably. The number of cases of “digital infection”,  particularly from ransomware, has increased accordingly. The Italian Data Protection Authority has recently published an informative guide lines regarding preventive methods to be adopted.