Sport En

Amateur sports bodies: the Notary pronounces on statutory adjustments.

Ovindoli ski lifts plant. Venturella and Altieri speakers at the Conference “The difficult balance between development requirements and environmental protection”.

Alberto Fantini’s interview on Sky Sports.

We Make Future – International Fair and Festival on Technological and Digital Innovation.

ISDE Sports Convention.

This is (e)sport too.

Conference regarding Sports Facilities – CONI, March 29th 2023.

Assisted by Tonucci & Partners, Ovindoli Municipality obtains ski facilities expansion.

Court of Cassation cancels over 50 million seizure for Cellino, president of Brescia Football Club, as assisted by Giorgio Altieri and Ida Blasi of Tonucci & Partners, part of the legal team.

All charges regarding the new Torbole Casaglia Sports Center against Cellino have been dropped. Second success for the Sardinian entrepreneur.