Media En

BPM financing for Obton group – Tonucci & Partners Energy team assisted Castello SGR in purchasing two photovoltaic greenhouse plants.

Jobless state Subsidy: doubts about the criminal sanctions – Observations by Giorgio Altieri of Tonucci & Partners on Panorama.

Phoenix – Patelec transaction: Tonucci & Partners team assisted the seller in the acquisition.

Giambruno, Mediaset is considering dismissal for violation of the ethic code. Dire’s interview with Cristina Mazzamauro.

Looking for a good-looking bank clerk: is this a legitimate job advert?

Saman Abbas case – Gianluca Bocchino’s interview at “Dire” magazine.

Negotiated settlement on corporate crisis – Interview to Luca Calò on Milano Finanza.

9th ASSO DPO Congress – Alessandro Vasta speaker regarding Artificial Intelligence issue.

Best 50 Linkedin – Tonucci & Partners in the Italian business firms ranking.

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