Interviste En

“Italian Magazine” first issue presented in Bucharest. Interview to Pasquale Silvestro of Tonucci & Partners regarding the launching event.

41bis system and stiffer punishments. Ida Blasi of Tonucci & Partners interviewed by CusanoTv on Filo Giallo broadcast.

Digital Health System – Privacy Authority rejected the decrees regarding Electronic Health Record and Health Data Ecosystem.

Misguidance and billing errors.

Crypto, Art and NFT: Alessandro Del Ninno’s interview.

RAI Italia “Italy with you”: Romania and Albania have always been close to Italy.

Tonucci & Partners starts up a D-Desk in support of female entrepreneurship.

Pasquale Silvestro’s interview at TG3.

20+ years’ milestone with FIAA.

The right to disconnect in Italy, EU and the United Kingdom.