Eventi En

Drones and U-Space Revolution. STRADAai and Tonucci & Partners present STRADAai project regarding “dynamic” control of drone flight in Italy and Europe.

Administrative responsibility and whistleblowing. Alessandro Vasta and Marella Mazzei at ANCE meeting in Padua

TechLaw NYC – Alessandro Vasta at the international conference regarding technological evolution and AI.

231 Expert/Auditors of 231 Organizational Models and members of Supervisory Bodies.

Agrivoltaics and Floating PV – Tonucci & Partners at Solarplaza event.

Master in Financial Market – Alessandro Varrenti and Giunio Tonucci, one day teachers at Luiss Business School.

Energy Communities and Self-production – Stefano Lucarini speaker at KMETROVERDE conference.

Energy Communities and Self-production.

Ovindoli ski lifts plant. Venturella and Altieri speakers at the Conference “The difficult balance between development requirements and environmental protection”.

Padua University – Jurisprudence podcast with Silvia Sardena of Tonucci & Partners.