Eventi En

Green Transition and Digitalisation. Viewpoints regarding employment and aggregations case.

XXIX edition of Restoration Hall opens in Ferrara.

Young generation and employment.

Safety at work: rules and sanctions.

Gender equality in compliance and sustainability context.

Italian Gaming Expo. Quirino Mancini of Tonucci & Partners moderator of IMGL Masterclass panel regarding Regulatory Audits.

No one is perfect.

IGE – Italian Gaming Expo Hélène Thibault of Tonucci & Partners speaker at Esports panel.

A glance towards the future with regard to innovation and protection of Italian IP heritage. Contributions by Fabio Boscariol and Nicola Spadafora of Tonucci & Partners at Confapi Milano event.

IMGL Masterclass. Quirino Mancini of Tonucci & Partners speaker at the Italian Gaming Expo Conference first edition.