Commerciale & Societario En

Milan Court has recognized a U.S. class settlement.

Merger by incorporation, lack of standing to bring proceedings for the acquired company.

Incentives regarding R & S great projects.

Unincorporated association: exclusion of a member for serious reasons.

Invalidity of the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting of a limited liability company (S.r.l.) for failure to convene a shareholder.

Defects in the purchase and sale of goods: acts interrupting the limitation of warranty claims.

Opposition to an injunction: who has the burden of initiating mediation?

Recent amendments to the legislation on the control body in limited liability companies.

5th money laundering directive: preliminary observations of the Italian Data Protection authority.

Osservazioni del Garante per la protezione dei dati personali sullo schema attuativo della V Direttiva Antiriciclaggio.