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Tourist Packages: new rules to be implemented by tour operators starting from 1 July 2018.

By the new Law no. 62/2018 the Government has implemented the Directive no. 2302/2015 of European Parliament, aimed at regulating the rules concerning tourist packages and the relevant services. Especially, this legislative decree, meeting the needs at European stage, implies a ruling contribution required by the market concerning tourism, which has been lately run over by deep changes that have highlighted the necessity of new rules and of preservation regarding information obligations, professional responsability and travellers protection in case of tour operators insolvencies.

“Decree of dignity” new regulations.

The c.d. “Decree of dignity” that when intervening on some particularly topical issues provides more stringent rules on work to limit the use of fixed-term contracts that can not last more than two years and must be justified after the first 12 months and redundancies without just cause increasing by 50% the indemnity that goes from a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of 36.

The theft of company data and disclosure of confidential information.

The Court of Cassation establishes that the employee who transfers data belonging to the company to a personal pen drive without the necessary authorization from his employer, even if referring to his activity and not protected by a password, engages in serious behavior such as legitimizing his dismissal for just cause without notice.

The reform of staff secondments within the European Union.

The European Parliament has finally approved the reforms on the posting of workers in the provision of transactional services within the European Union in order to eliminate the unequal treatment of relocated workers and obstacles to the free movement of persons and services between Member States by removing restrictions based on the nationality and residence of these subjects.

The Italian Supreme Court on recordings at workplace.

The Italian Supreme Court (Corte di Cassazione) stated on the legitimacy of recordings at workplace.
The Court stated the legitimacy of recording the conversations with colleagues made by a worker in order to defend his rights against the employer’s initiatives of dubious legitimacy.
Therefore, according to the Court, recordings do not ground disciplinary sanctions toward the worker who made them, and rather legitimize the worker reintegration in the workplace.

Rules for safety of drones approved by European Parliament.

On 12 June 2018, the European Parliament approved new EU-wide principles for drones and drone operators to ensure an adequate level of safety and give operators and manufacturers a common legal environment across the EU that may boost development of drone based products and services and related business. The rules now need to be approved by the EU ministers.

The new privacy regulation is applicable even to criminal sector.

The legislative Decree no. 51 of 18 May 2018 which entered into force on 8 June has provided for the implementation of UE instructions (directive) 2016/680 of European Parliament and Council dated 27 April 2016 with regard to personal data processing by competent authority in criminal matters.