Interviste En

The right to disconnect in Italy, EU and the United Kingdom.

The conflict between Government and Data Protection Authority goes on although the new regulation does not imply less privacy rules.

Tirana advancement towards Europe gets stuck by the political conflict.

Nicola Spadafora’s interview.

Interview to Alessandro Del Ninno regarding 100 million Euro fine by CNIL to Google for breaching cookies obligations.

Alessandro Del Ninno’s interview opens “Privacy Compliance 2020” new season program broadcasted by Ius Law Web Radio.

Il futuro degli impianti sportivi tra novità normative e sterili polemiche.

Lotta alla corruzione, avvocatura in prima linea.

Intervista a Pietro Rossi sulla gestione del risparmio.

Intervista a Nicola Spadafora sugli studi protagonisti del mondo legale.