Energia e Servizi Pubblici En

Council of State agrees with Auri Umbria regarding PEF TARI. Alberto Fantini, Luca Spaziani and Giuseppe De Gregorio of Tonucci & Partners assisted Auri Umbria before the Council of State with regard to the legitimacy of TARI dues approval procedure.

“Critical approaches to increasing green energy production” panel Pasquale Silvestro of Tonucci & Partners, chairman at the “Digitalization and Energy Efficiency” event, organized by Energynomics and CCIpR

“Digitalization and Energy Efficiency” Conference

CER and Agrivoltaic: integrations in a territorial development perspective.

Agriculture Decree Law and Ministerial Decree on Eligible Areas: possible unconstitutional issues.

Energy transition: legislation regarding renewable energy.

Young generation and employment.

BPM financing for Obton group – Tonucci & Partners Energy team assisted Castello SGR in purchasing two photovoltaic greenhouse plants.

Agrivoltaics and Floating PV – Tonucci & Partners at Solarplaza event.

Energy Communities and Self-production – Stefano Lucarini speaker at KMETROVERDE conference.