ROBOT JUDGES: CHATGPT VERDICT. CONTRIBUTIONS BY EDOARDO AMATI OF TONUCCI & PARTNERS REGARDIG THE MATTER. ChatGpt in Peru helped to elaborate the ascertainments provided by a sentence in a divorce case: using AI, 30 May 2023
Bucharest Energy Forum second edition. The event, moderated by Pasquale Silvestro, Partner of Tonucci & Partners and Vice-President of the CCIpR, was attended, 24 May 2023
Artificial Intelligence Xray-d in terms of methods and legislation. Alessandro Vasta, partner of Tonucci & Partners and coordinator of ASSODPO Scientific Committee on Artificial Intelligence will attend 12 May 2023
“International Bologna Consensus Assembly on Telemedicine – Ratio Ethica et Ratio Technica: Concerting Governance, Research and Innovation for One Health”. The International Telemedicine Conference, which took place on March 10th in Bologna, outlined strategies and tools for applying 28 March 2023
Fundraising techniques for start-ups. A workshop regarding fundraising technical aspects took place on March 9th. Several issues related to this kind of 20 March 2023
Beach properties, according to the Council of State the extension of the concessions is illegitimate. Gianluca Bocchino of Tonucci & Partners interviewed by several newspapers regarding the issue and the reform prospects. Following the doubts forwarded by the President of the Republic with regard to milleproroghe decree and after the 13 March 2023
City Vision Rome – “Data, the hidden resource for cities open innovation”. 2023 events and news platform dedicated to smart cities, a project by Blum and Padova Hall/Fiera di Padova, 20 February 2023
Agriculture in transition. The way finance affects the challenge of change. The Confagriculture press conference “Agriculture in transition. The way finance affects the challenge of change” will take place 19 January 2023
High-priced electricity bills affect the industrial recovery plans. According to leading experts, a change is underway in the energy culture of companies, especially SMEs, the main 22 December 2022
Metaverse and Business: risks and opportunities. Metaverse is a term coined by Neal Stephenson on 1992 cyberpunk novel “Snow crash” to indicate a three-dimensional 19 December 2022
Mario Tonucci at Consumers’ Expo – in memory of Antonio Catricalà. Mario Tonucci, founder and senior partner of Tonucci & Partners, attended Expo Consumatori 2022 at CNEL headquarters on 1 December 2022
Digital Legal Check service for companies. Tonucci & Partners has set up the new “Digital Legal Check” service aiming at the provision of technical-specialized 21 November 2022