“Facing Up to the Climate Crisis” – Expo 2020.

During last AIJA – International Association of Young Lawyers Half Year Conference, Daria Capotorto of Tonucci & Partners moderated the joint session “Facing Up to the Climate Crisis” which took place on November 18th. The event, set up in Dubai on the occasion of Expo 2020 as well, was an opportunity to face up legal critical issues brought forth by the new climate challenge.

The session started with a general overview related to international litigation and arbitration cases in Energy field, continued with a detailed closer analysis on carbon emission and climate change from business and finance perspective and ended up with a more specific comparative analysis of Kenyan cases as well as of the important decision issued by the German Federal Constitutional Court on the German Climate Change Act. Tonucci & Partners participation at the event was another opportunity to move forward with several international initiatives meant to witness the importance of the presence and skills in cross borders and global fields such as Energy.


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