Beyond Quirinal Treaty. How do French – Italian connections change. An in-depth analysis.

A treaty between France and Italy concerning an enhanced bilateral cooperation, known as the Quirinal Treaty, was signed by French President, Emmanuel Macron and Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi on November 2021. International Politics Observatory of the Italian Parliament has published the in-depth study “Beyond Quirinal Treaty. French – Italian connections tested by political strategic changes in Europe” of Centro Studi in collaboration with University of Rome La Sapienza Research Center “ CEMAS ”, which refers a leading experts analysis of all formal cooperation dynamics between the two countries and the ongoing changes brought forth by geopolitics.

Among the authors, Hélène Thibault, partner of Tonucci & Partners, who contributed in drafting the document with the section “Economic cooperation and social development”, in the chapter dedicated to the opportunities and risks Quirinale Treaty implies.


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